- OneSource powers your outdoor gear and devices with one interchangeable rechargeable battery system
- Up to 1000 lumens (high) or 50 lumens (low) for customizable lighting
- Beam distance: Up to 12 meters (high) or 4 meters (low)
- Soft-grip handle for added comfort
- Charging cord fits in base for compact storage
- IPX4 water-resistance rating for reliable use outdoors in the elements
- Impact-resistant up to 1 meter
- Lifetime LEDs never need replacing
- The fully charged 4800 mAh lithium-ion battery powers lantern up to 100 hours (low) or 2 hours (high)
- Battery charging time: 2 hours with quick-charging station (sold separately) or 2.4 amp USB output\
- 5 hours with 1 amp USB output
- Battery can also be recharged from any USB port (e.g., wall outlets, vehicles, OneSource charging stations, other OneSource batteries, or universal power banks)
- Battery supports USB-charging of external devices while powering gear
- Battery includes a 10 lumens LED flashlight on top for added visibility in low light
- LED battery-level indicator
- 3-year limited warranty
Coleman OneSource 1000 Lumens LED Lantern & Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery
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